Posy Bouquet


Our posy bouquet is a petite hand-held bouquet for special occasions. It is perfect for prom, homecoming or mothers & grandmothers of the bride/groom. 

These petite bouquets are comprised of seasonal flowers in your choice of our 4 color palettes: Vibrant, Moody, Neutral, or Succulent. The ribbon will be chosen to highlight the flowers.

*Pictured posy is an example and flowers will vary upon availability.

*We are not able to accommodate custom color or flower requests.

*PICK UP only in White Lake on day-of event between 1-3:00 pm. Address given after order is placed.

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Our posy bouquet is a petite hand-held bouquet for special occasions. It is perfect for prom, homecoming or mothers & grandmothers of the bride/groom. 

These petite bouquets are comprised of seasonal flowers in your choice of our 4 color palettes: Vibrant, Moody, Neutral, or Succulent. The ribbon will be chosen to highlight the flowers.

*Pictured posy is an example and flowers will vary upon availability.

*We are not able to accommodate custom color or flower requests.

*PICK UP only in White Lake on day-of event between 1-3:00 pm. Address given after order is placed.

Our posy bouquet is a petite hand-held bouquet for special occasions. It is perfect for prom, homecoming or mothers & grandmothers of the bride/groom. 

These petite bouquets are comprised of seasonal flowers in your choice of our 4 color palettes: Vibrant, Moody, Neutral, or Succulent. The ribbon will be chosen to highlight the flowers.

*Pictured posy is an example and flowers will vary upon availability.

*We are not able to accommodate custom color or flower requests.

*PICK UP only in White Lake on day-of event between 1-3:00 pm. Address given after order is placed.